  • 化学专家
  • 临床研究员
  • 法医科学家
  • 普通医学化验师
  • 医疗管理
  • 血液学专家
  • 实验室主管
  • 实验室技术员
  • 微生物学专家
  • 输血服务专家


Want to work in healthcare without patient care. 喜欢实验室工作和测试结果分析. 


Classes in chemistry, 微生物学, biochemistry and biology. 医院实习经验. 


  • 临床研究员
  • 法医科学家
  • 普通医学化验师
  • 血液学专家
  • 实验室主管


Laboratory work plays a vital role in the daily routine of the medical laboratory scientist and, while usually not having direct contact with patients, the MLS enjoys being a vital member of the health care team. 临床化学, 血液学, 微生物学, 验尿, 免疫血液学 and immunology are the principal areas of practice in the medical laboratory. In addition to laboratory testing and analysis, a medical laboratory scientist may also monitor test quality, 监督人员, conduct research and develop new tests and methodologies.


Certified medical laboratory scientists may readily find employment throughout the country in hospitals, 医疗和诊断实验室, 以及其他医疗保健服务. 根据 U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of clinical laboratory workers is expected to grow faster than average for all occupations through 2026. This increase is attributed to growth in the aging population leading to a greater need to diagnose medical conditions through laboratory procedures, as well as prenatal testing for various genetic conditions which has become increasingly common. Mean annual wages for medical laboratory scientists/technologists was $57,380 in 2022 (Clinical Laboratory Technologists and Technicians : Occupational Outlook Handbook: : U.S. 美国劳工统计局.gov))


乐虎电子’s Bachelor of Science degree, 医学检验专业毕业, includes three years of academic courses on campus followed by an 11-to-12-month full-time professional-level 实习 in an affiliated hospital-based school of medical laboratory science. 研究生s are eligible to take a national certification exam administered by the American Society for Clinical Pathology Board of Certification. NDSU graduates have enjoyed excellent employment opportunities and pass rates on the ASCP BOC exam. To remain certified, medical laboratory scientists must earn continuing 教育 credits.

Students interested in pursuing medical laboratory science should have an interest and aptitude in the sciences, 特别是化学和生物. 大学课程包括大学代数, 生物科学, 微生物学, 普通化学, 有机化学, 生物化学与统计学, 还有通识教育课程. Transfer students need to successfully complete a minimum of 20 resident credits at NDSU prior to beginning an 实习. The full-time 实习 consists of classroom and clinical bench instruction in clinical chemistry, 血液学, 免疫血液学, 显微镜/验尿, 微生物学, 血清学, 放血, 教育, 管理, 以及研究方法.


Internship application occurs annually in the fall. Pre-MLS students who will have completed all courses on campus by start of the 实习 and meet grade and grade point average (GPA) requirements may be eligible to apply for the professional-level 实习. This 实习 occurs onsite within an affiliated hospital-based MLS program. NDSU maintains affiliation with four medical laboratory science programs. 其中包括:桑福德医疗中心(法戈), ND), 梅西健康科学学院(得梅因, IA), 卫理公会医院(奥马哈, NE), and Colorado Center for 医学化验学 (Aurora, CO). All affiliated programs are accredited by the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Science.

实习录取是有选择性的. 入学 criteria are established by each hospital program and generally includes the student's cumulative and science GPA (a minimum of 2.50-3.00 is required and varies by hospital program), 所修课程, 相关工作经验, 推荐信和面试. In addition, students must comply with criminal background and student conduct requirements. 为了参加MLS实习, students must be able to comply with program-designated essential functions or request reasonable accommodations to meet these essential functions. 要求包括良好的智力, 良好的运动技能, 手眼协调和灵巧, 有效的沟通技巧, visual acuity to perform macroscopic and microscopic analyses, 或者阅读程序和图表, 行为技能,比如组织能力, 时间管理和良好的判断力, 即使在紧急情况下.

It is highly recommended that students interested in the MLS major meet with a medical laboratory science advisor to discuss degree and major requirements, 实习录取, and create an individualized plan of study at least one year prior to their anticipated 实习 application. 职业信息, 课程, 实习, and advising contacts are available from the NDSU 联合科学系.